Thursday, July 14, 2016

No, Bernie Sanders Is Not A Sellout For Endorsing Hillary Clinton

Earlier this week, Bernie Sanders sent shockwaves across the political universe by officially endorsing Hillary Clinton for president.

The endorsement, which took place at a rally in New Hampshire, was met with fire-spewing vitriol. However, the groans of disapproval and resentment didn't come from Republicans, as one would expect. Instead, it came from Sanders's own followers.

As soon as Sanders announced his support for Clinton, the hashtag "#SelloutSanders" began trending on Twitter. All across social media, supporters hurled vicious insults at Sanders, disparaging him for "abandoning the cause" and switching to the dark side. Some even posted pictures of themselves throwing Bernie t-shirts in the trash and setting fire to his campaign signs. In their eyes, he was no longer a progressive hero worthy of their admiration, but instead a traitor to the Political Revolution he championed.

As a die-hard Sanders fan, I found the reaction by fellow supporters to be not only shortsighted and vengeful, but childish and incredibly disrespectful.

Sanders is a man of incredible honor and integrity. He has fought his entire life for the working class, the downtrodden and the forgotten. He may have lost the primary battle, but he won the war. His campaign brought the progressive cause back to life. He gave us hope. He spoke to us directly. He brought all of the issues we care about so deeply back to the forefront. After all he's done for us, and for America, this is how we repay him?

Listen, I can't stand Hillary Clinton. She is everything I despise about politics. She is untrustworthy, inauthentic, lacks core convictions and plays both sides of every issue. She is a war-loving corporatist and Wall Street shill. I do not believe a single word that comes out of her mouth. She represents the establishment. She is a defender of the status quo.

For months, I've told myself that I can't possibly vote for Hillary. The idea of helping send her to the White House disgusted me. How can I betray everything I stand for? How can I vote for someone who can't be trusted, someone who is so fake and rehearsed? How can I cast my ballot for someone who voted for the Iraq War and takes millions of dollars from Goldman Sachs? How can I throw my support behind someone who loves fracking and defends the crooks on Wall Street who crashed our economy?

However, after thinking long and hard for many months, I realized that it's not about voting for Hillary. It's about defeating Donald Trump.

As progressive Democrats and die-hard Sanders supporters, we must unite and vote for Hillary, not because we like or believe in her, but because the alternative (Trump becoming POTUS) would destroy our country and the world.

This is what fire-breathing Sanders supporters do not understand.

It's no longer about personal pride anymore. It's not about what we, as Sanders die-hards, can or cannot bring ourselves to do. It's bigger than our personal feelings. It's about what's best for the country.

I will always love Bernie Sanders. I will always Feel the Bern. For the rest of my life, I will fight to defend the progressive vision of America that Bernie has championed.

However, I am not #BernieOrBust. I will not throw my vote away on Jill Stein, either. Yes, it might make me feel good on the inside because I'm standing up to the dark side and holding true to my core convictions, but in the end it's a pointless thing to do.

The stakes are too high to forfeit your vote or mine on someone who can't win, simply because it makes us feel like we're doing something noble. Bernie is my hero and I love what Jill Stein stands for, but a vote for either candidate only does one thing: brings Trump one step closer to the Oval Office. That is something we absolutely cannot allow to happen.

This upcoming election is the most important of our lifetime. Whoever wins will appoint at least two justices to the Supreme Court. The next president will either continue this country on a liberal course, building upon the success of Barack Obama, or they will drag us back into disruption and despair, erasing all the progress we've made since 2008.

It may sound dramatic, but the fate of our country depends on who wins in November.

Bernie knows this, which is why he swallowed his pride and endorsed Hillary. He didn't do it because he likes or believes in her. He did it because it's what's best for the country. That doesn't make him a sellout or a traitor. It makes him a patriot and a great American.

To my fellow Sanders die-hards: don't cut off your nose to spite your face. I can't stand Hillary, but she is the only option we have left. She is the only thing standing between Trump and the White House.

I gives me no joy to do so, but I will be voting for Hillary in November.

I urge you all to do the same.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Fracking Is A Key Issue That Could Propel Bernie Sanders To Victory In New York

We've learned some terrifying facts about the state of our environment in recent days.

In Antarctica, a new study shows that the gigantic West Ice Sheet is melting twice as fast as previously thought. This would cause three feet of sea level rise alone, which, added to sea level rise across the globe, could total six feet or more by the year 2100.

Off the coast of Australia, the Great Barrier Reef is experiencing the worst coral bleaching ever seen. This is disastrous news because coral provides critically important habitat for millions of species of fish and marine life. It is the canary in the ocean coal mine. Once the coral starts dying off, everything else dies too.

If that wasn't bad enough, we also learned of a bombshell report written by Harvard researchers about the horrific effects of fracking.

Fracking, short for "hydraulic fracturing," is the process by which natural gas is manufactured. It was once billed as a great step forward in energy extraction. It was thought to be cleaner than traditional fossil fuels. Years ago, it was heralded as a silver bullet that could help us combat Climate Change.

Unfortunately, none of that is true.

The fracking boom has exacerbated Climate Change because it leaks extraordinary amounts of toxic methane gas into the air. As Bill McKibben explains, methane is actually worse than carbon dioxide.

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton have many differences, but none more stark than their positions on fracking.

Bernie is 100% against fracking. He wants to ban in nationwide. Meanwhile, Hillary sold fracking to the world as Secretary of State, touting it as "the cleanest fossil fuel available for power generation today."

When asked at a recent debate if she supports fracking, Clinton danced around the issue without ever providing an honest answer. When it came time for Bernie's rebuttal, he gave a much shorter, direct response: "no."

Which brings us to the pivotal New York primary coming up on April 19th.

The latest polls have Hillary up by 20 points or more in the Empire State, which makes sense because it's her home turf. She represented the state for two terms as a Senator. She has decades of experience in New York politics and has forged countless connections with party bosses and establishment elites throughout the state.

However, the same polls showed a similar point spread in Michigan just a few weeks before Bernie ended up pulling off a monumental upset. Yes, Bernie is the underdog in New York, but he's riding a wave of incredible momentum. In recent weeks, he's posted an impressive string of massive, blow-out victories in Utah, Idaho, Hawaii, Alaska and Washington. His campaign also announced that they've raised more than $43 million in grassroots donations for the second consecutive month.

So how can Bernie keep the momentum going and pull off the upset in New York?

By focusing on fracking.

It wasn't until early 2010 that fracking really became a national issue. This was thanks in large part to Josh Fox's brilliant documentary Gasland, which blew the cover on the fracking crisis plaguing our country. Fox's film was a wake-up call. It illustrated how fracking was unsafe and completely unregulated. It showed how fracking is destroying our environment by polluting drinking water and causing illness and disease and, sadly, how no one in the government was being honest about its true effects.

Fox's clip of a man lighting the water coming out of his sink on fire became the "holy shit" moment that turned the tide against fracking.

While Fox's documentary was exposing the horrific effects of fracking, New York became ground zero for the anti-fracking movement. For years, farmers and regular working people protested against fracking and new natural gas pipelines. They held sit-ins, petitioned public officials and demanded that the state ban the practice outright.

The groundswell of grassroots opposition forced New York to conduct a massive study on fracking that took more than six years to complete. When the results came back that fracking was unsafe and exacerbated Climate Change, Governor Andrew Cuomo banned fracking state-wide in early 2015.

The fracking ban was a monumental victory for the planet and regular New Yorkers fighting to keep their water clean, their land free from earthquakes and their public spaces free from exploitation by the fossil fuel industry. The anti-fracking blueprint popularized in New York was then spread across the country. The same tactics helped stop the Keystone Pipeline and are helping to stop countless other natural gas pipelines across America.

On the campaign trail, Bernie has hammered Hillary on her support for fracking and the fact that she takes millions of dollars from the fossil fuel industry. It appears to be taking its toll on the Secretary of State. At a recent event in New York, Clinton lashed out a Greenpeace reporter who called her out for taking money from Big Oil.

Clinton says "I am so sick of the Sanders campaign lying about me." Unfortunately for Hillary, facts do not lie. Her campaign and Super Pacs have taken more than $4.5 million from lobbyists, donors and bundlers connected to the fossil fuel industry.

By responding so defensively, it's obvious that the issue is getting under Clinton's skin.

New Yorkers, more than anyone else in country, know how important it is to elect a leader that will act boldly to address Climate Change.

Rising sea levels are at New York City's door. During Super-Storm Sandy, they were nearly washed away. In the rural parts of the state, New Yorkers saw their water and land being polluted by fracking and they fought a war to stop it. Climate is not some side-issue for the people of the Empire State, it is a major issue that affects them and their future directly.

As they head to the polls on April 19th, New Yorkers can elect someone who takes money from the fossil fuel industry or someone who doesn't. They can elect someone who championed fracking worldwide or someone who wants to ban it completely.

If you're a New Yorker who cares about climate, it should be an easy choice to make.

Friday, March 11, 2016

The Revolution Has Begun. Where is Elizabeth Warren?

If Bernie Sanders's stunning upset in Michigan proved one thing, it's this: the Revolution is real.

At first, the corporate media and the political establishment laughed at Bernie. They called him a protest candidate. Sure, he might be popular at the moment, but he's just a flash in the pan. In the meantime, at least he gives Hillary Clinton a Democratic opponent to campaign against so she won't be totally unprepared for the general election.

Oh how things have changed.

Since February, Bernie has won nine state primaries and caucuses, many of which he won in a landslide behind record turnout (Colorado, Kansas and Maine). He's also raised more than $40 million last month alone, which means he has plenty of money to mount a strong campaign that can go the distance.

Now, with his incredible upset victory in Michigan, Bernie has proven that no matter how hard the pundits try to spin it, the race is far from over. This isn't a protest campaign. It's a people's movement. And its growing stronger each day.

For nearly 50 years, Bernie has been preaching the same exact message, yet no one listened. As a young activist in Chicago, he got arrested for protesting against segregated schools. As a mayor, he revitalized Burlington through New Deal-style improvements that benefited the community, not the super-rich. As a member of the House, he took on homophobic colleagues and fought against disastrous trade deals, the de-regulation of Wall Street and the Iraq War. As a Senator, he has taken on climate deniers, income inequality and a corrupt campaign finance system.

In almost every case, Bernie did so without fanfare, without any notoriety. He didn't do these things because they were popular. Or because it would score him political points or make him famous or earn him money. He did it because it was the right thing to do. Period.

Now, all of a sudden, millions of Americans are listening to Bernie's message. And they're loving what they hear.

Bernie is succeeding because he is tailor-made for the times. It's almost as if the moment was pre-ordained for Bernie, like some divine power told him to bide his time and continue toiling in obscurity, with the promise that one day, far in the future, his message would eventually break through.

That time is now.

Bernie's message isn't just resonating, it's dominating and transforming our political discourse. We have the energy and the momentum, but we can't rest on our laurels. Everyday that Bernie grows stronger, Wall Street and corporate America funnel millions more into Hillary's Super Pac to stop him. The assault will only get more intense the more Bernie succeeds.

To combat this onslaught, we need all hands on deck.

Iraq War Vet and Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has stepped up to the plate in a big way, campaigning hard for Bernie at deafening rallies all across the country. Other vocal supporters include Congressmen Keith Ellison of Minnesota and Raul Grijalva of Arizona, along with Robert Reich and celebrities Mark Ruffalo, Spike Lee and Sarah Silverman.

With a wide variety of progressives uniting behind Bernie, many supporters are left to wonder: Where is Elizabeth Warren?

As much as this moment is made for Bernie, it's made for Warren as well.

While Bernie has been preaching the same message for a half century with very little notoriety, Warren popularized the message on a mass scale just a few short years ago. Seemingly overnight, she went from an unknown college professor to a liberal rock star thanks to her stinging critique of Wall Street in the wake of the 2008 financial collapse.

In many ways, Bernie and Warren are two sides of the same political coin. They both preach progressive populism. They both know that the game is rigged. They are both vehemently anti-Wall Street and want to break up the big banks. Their entire careers have been built on fighting for the the regular, average American, doing everything they can to tip the scale back in favor of the 99%, away from the rich and powerful.

As a result, it makes perfect sense for Warren to team up with Bernie at this crucial point in time. Simply put, she is the Robin to his Batman. By combining forces, they can rid Gotham of the oligarchic villains that have hijacked our democracy.

Yet, for whatever reason, Warren is reluctant to endorse Bernie. She has stayed on the sidelines for the entire campaign, choosing not to add her powerful voice to the passionate debate among Democrats over which candidate has a better vision for the country.

Some argue that since Warren is the only female Senator not to endorse Hillary, that equates to a tacit endorsement of Bernie. Others believe that her reluctance to endorse Bernie means that she secretly supports Hillary. Or maybe she is just being politically savvy by not endorsing either candidate.

Whatever the case may be, one fact cannot be argued: Warren has enormous influence, and she is forfeiting that influence by remaining silent. She is leaving her progressive comrades in the lurch at a time when they need her the most.

The battle lines have been drawn. Progressives all across the country are energized in a way they haven't been in generations. From coast to coast, they are standing up to say enough is enough, it's time our democracy works for everyone, not just the rich and powerful. Warren should be leading the battle alongside Bernie, but instead she is nowhere to be found.

This could be the last stand for the middle class. Either we reclaim our democracy from the plutocrats now or we lose it forever.

It's time to stop playing politics. It's time to get off the sideline. The Revolution is underway and we need all hands on deck.

It's time for Elizabeth Warren, the biggest rock star on the left, to put down her pen and pick up her sword.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Don't Believe The Corporate Media: Bernie Sanders Is Very Much Alive

Following Super Tuesday, the corporate media machine has been working overtime to hijack the Democratic Primary narrative.

The race is over, they say. Hillary Clinton has the nomination wrapped up. Bernie Sanders is done. The Revolution is dead. It's time for him to drop out and fall in line behind Hillary.

To make their case, they use bogus math. On CNN, MSNBC and Google, they bombard us with lopsided charts and graphs that say Hillary is dominating the race. They claim that she leads by an insurmountable margin of 1,052 to 427.

These numbers are incredibly misleading because they include both regular delegates and super delegates.

CNN, MSNBC, Google & countless others fail to mention one very important fact: super delegates do not matter one bit at this point. They do not vote until the Convention in July. They are free to change their vote based upon how the race unfolds. For example, Hillary also had a big super delegate lead in 2008, but a vast majority of them ended up switching their vote to Barack Obama when it became clear he was the better candidate.

It's also important to remember that super delegates are not chosen by the people, only the regular delegates are. Super delegates are Establishment insiders. Many of them are lobbyists and donors. They are the powerful party elites and they're rigging the game to make sure Hillary get elected.

Simply put, the corporate media is using these crooked numbers to brainwash the American people into thinking the race is over. They want to demoralize and silence the Political Revolution by making it seem like Hillary is a shoo-in. Stop organizing. Stop going to rallies. You lost. It's over. Time to put away childish things and come support Hillary.

Why is the corporate media pushing this narrative? Because it's in their best interest that Hillary wins. She represents the establishment. She defends the status quo, which keeps them in power and makes them billions of dollars every single year.

As Lee Fang of The Intercept reported recently, many TV pundits you see on cable news are tied to the Hilary campaign, yet the networks never disclose this to the viewers. They trot them out as "independent" or "neutral" analysts, then they proceed to bash Bernie and sing Hillary's praises.

And it's not just the on-air pundits who are in the bag for Hillary. As Fang pointed out on Twitter, many TV executives have contributed maximum donations to her campaign.

The truth is that, in terms of pledged delegates, the race is very close. The score is not 1052-427.

It's 596-407.

Only 15 states have voted. 35 more remain and many of them are very favorable to Bernie, including Michigan, Ohio, Maine, West Virginia, Alaska, Wisconsin, Illinois, Oregon and California, the grandaddy of them all with over 400 delegates up for grabs.

On Super Tuesday, Hillary won in Southern states that will vote overwhelmingly Republican in the general election. Meanwhile, Bernie won by 20 points in a crucially important swing state (Colorado), and also scored big wins in Minnesota and Oklahoma, a landslide victory in Vermont and a virtual tie in Massachusetts, a Democratic establishment stronghold.

Bernie raised over $40 million in the month of February, so money is not an issue. We have plenty of cash to compete until the end. Time is on our side as well. Bernie's message resonates once people get a chance to meet him and hear him speak. In some places in America he is still relatively unknown. The more he campaigns, the more recruits the Revolution receives.

We cannot let the corporate media manipulate us. We cannot let it get us down. We must stay positive, stay the course, continue to organize, phone-bank and canvass.

If Bernie had lost Colorado or Minnesota, the Revolution may have ended Tuesday night.

But it didn't.

We're still in the game. And we're growing stronger each day.

We're taking it all the way to the Convention.


Monday, February 8, 2016

Why Won't Hillary Clinton Release Her Goldman Sachs Speeches?

At the height of the 2012 presidential race, a secret video emerged showing Republican Nominee Mitt Romney disparaging the 47% of Americans who are "dependent upon government" and "unwilling to take personal responsibility for their lives."

The video changed the entire race. It destroyed Romney's candidacy because it exposed the multi-millionaire as out of touch, arrogant and unsympathetic to the middle class and the poor. If the 47% video never emerged, who knows if Barack Obama gets re-elected. That's how much of a game-changer it was.

Four years later, there's an outside chance that we could see history repeat itself. Except this time, the bombshell secret video will torpedo the would-be Democratic nominee, not Republican.


Over the past two years, Hillary Clinton has received $2.5 million in paid speeches from Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street firms. In total, Bill and Hillary have made an astounding $125 million from paid speeches since 2001.

When a reporter from The Intercept dared to ask Clinton about the paid speeches, she laughed and turned away.

Because the speeches are made in complete private and are not available to the public, the American people are left to wonder: Why is Hillary so reluctant to talk about them? More closely, what exactly does Clinton say to the oligarchs and plutocrats when she thinks no one is listening?

Maybe this is why: according to Goldman Sachs executives who have attended these $200,000 speeches, Clinton often "reassures" them and "boosts their morale" by repudiating the Occupy Wall Street movement and denouncing Elizabeth Warren-Liberals.

"Ordinarily these masters of the universe might have groaned at the idea of a politician taking the microphone... But Clinton offered a message that the collected plutocrats found reassuring, according to accounts offered by several attendees, declaring that the banker-bashing so popular within both political parties was unproductive and indeed foolish... Certainly, Clinton offered the money men -- and yes, they are mostly men -- at Goldman's HQ a bit of a morale boost... [Clintons's remarks] did register as a repudiation of some of the angry anti-Wall Street rhetoric emanating from liberals rallying behind the likes of Senss. Elizabeth Warren..."


Last week, at a Democratic town hall hosted by CNN, Hillary was asked about her decision to accept $675,000 from Goldman Sachs. "That's what they offered," she replied.

Then, at the last debate before the New Hampshire Primary, Hillary was asked whether she would release the transcripts of her Goldman speeches. Her response? "We'll look into it."

Hillary's ultra-casual handling of the Goldman issue is incredibly symbolic, not only of her closeness to Wall Street but also her cluelessness about what the American people actually think and feel in their heads and in their hearts.

Simply put, Hillary does not understand why this issue is so important to the American people. She is genuinely surprised that her speaking fees are garnering so much attention. This speaks volumes to how out of touch she is with regular Americans.

Nearly a decade ago, the greed and recklessness of Wall Street caused the biggest financial collapse since the Great Depression, costing us millions of jobs and destroying the economic security of countless Americans.

Eight years later, millions of Americans are still hurting. Their lifetime savings are gone. They are working longer hours for lower wages. They see all the new wealth going to the top 1%. They see Wall Street CEOs making ungodly sums of money while the rest of us are struggling to get by.

Now they see Hillary personally profiting off the illegal behavior of Wall Street, getting paid more in one-hour than many of us make in five or six years. These dollars are tainted by greed, yet Hillary accepts them anyway. Then she has the audacity to act like it's no big deal, like regular Americans are stupid for even asking about it. That's what makes it so infuriating and upsetting.


It's been confirmed that every one of Hillary's speeches have, in fact, been transcribed. (All of her speaking contracts include a $1,250 fee to pay for the stenographer).

As a result, Hillary can only hide behind the "we'll look into it" cop-out for so long. The transcripts exist. It's up to her whether or not they see the light of day.

This puts Hillary in an exceedingly difficult position. If she fails to release the speeches, it will be widely assumed that they are so politically damaging that she would rather deal with the firestorm of speculation than the fallout of what they actually say.

On the other hand, if she does release them and they show her gushing over Wall Street, bashing Elizabeth Warren and defending the plutocrats who tanked our economy, it will all but destroy her campaign, handing Bernie Sanders not only the nomination, but likely the White House as well.

I don't envy Hillary's position. In many ways it's a lose-lose. She made a deal with the devil after leaving the State Department. Yes, the speeches made her rich. But now she is forced to deal with the radioactive fallout that surrounds them.

If I were Hillary, I would release the speeches. If they incriminate her as an out of touch, Wall Street-loving elitist, I would publicly apologize and return the money to Goldman Sachs. This is the only way for her to put the issue to bed and regain the trust of regular Americans.

Or she can continue to obfuscate and risk the emergence of a 47%-type video showing her bowing down to Wall Street executives in the cozy confines of Manhattan boardroom.

The first option could very well save her campaign. The second option would end up destroying her candidacy entirely.

The choice is hers.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Confessions Of A Liberal Democrat: Why I'm Voting For Bernie Over Hillary

For the first time in my life, I am learning what it truly means to be a Democrat.

Growing up in the Bush Era and then spending my 20s in the Age of Obama, it all seemed pretty black and white to me, politically speaking.

Bush was the bad one. So were all the Republicans. All they cared about was invading countries and giving tax breaks to millionaires. They loved guns, hated gay people and didn't believe in Climate Change.

The Democrats were the good guys- and I was proud to be one of them. We fought for the middle class, not the super-rich. We believed in science, protecting the environment, providing health care and social security and education to every American. We were anti-War and pro-peace. We were hippies and children of hippies.

Obama was our savior. He was going to fix Bush's mess and bring us back from the abyss. He was going to fundamentally change the country, transforming America into a more open, inclusive, liberal society.

Call it naive, but this was my perspective growing up.

Now that I'm older, I see things differently.

For the first time in my life, I now realize that there are two kinds of Democrats.

One kind is personified by Hillary Clinton. She represents the mainstream, middle of the road Democrat. By and large, the centrist, moderate Democrat is more hawkish on foreign policy, more willing to intervene in places like Iraq, Syria and Libya. They are friendlier to Wall Street and the big banks, often accepting millions from them in the form of paid speeches and campaign contributions. Simply put, they are the status quo. They are the establishment. They are in the business of ensuring that the train keeps moving. No stops. No turns. No changes.

The other kind of Democrat is embodied by Bernie Sanders. He is not a centrist. He is not a moderate. He is a proud progressive, stoic and statuesque in his positions.

He's been preaching the same gospel for nearly 50-years. He does not flip-flop or change his opinion based on poll numbers. He is authentic in a way no other contemporary politician is. He gets his campaign contributions from middle class Americans donating thirty bucks a pop, not million dollar checks from Goldman Sachs and Citigroup.

Bernie wants to keep us out of costly, never-ending MidEast wars. He wants to expand social security. He wants Single Payer health care for all. He wants to raise the minimum wage to $15/hour. He wants free college tuition. And he wants to pay for all of these things by enacting a tax on Wall Street speculation and closing tax loopholes that only benefit the super wealthy. All of these positions are considered "radical" by the media and partisan pundits, but they are wildly popular with the American people.

Our democracy is broken. We face enormous problems that cannot be ignored. Income inequality, the disappearance of the Middle Class, Climate Change, big money in politics, a broken immigration system, a corrupt criminal justice system, crippling student debt, crumbling infrastructure as far as the eye can see.

If we elect another moderate, centrist Democrat, nothing will change. After all, establishment politics got us into this mess in the first place. The game is rigged, and they're the ones that rigged it.

We need to chart a new course. We need to elect a leader in the mold of FDR, someone who welcomes the hatred of Wall Street. Someone who is unwavering in their convictions. Someone who tilts the axis away from the rich and powerful and back to the common man.

I do not hate Hillary. I respect her long record of service to the country. She is by far the most qualified candidate in the field. In all honesty, I would love to cast my ballot for the first female President. If Hillary is the Democratic nominee, I will absolutely vote for her in the general election.

But until she wins the nomination, I am fighting like hell for Bernie. And as a Liberal Democrat, you should too.

After all, who knows if we'll ever see another political revolution like this again.