Thursday, March 3, 2016

Don't Believe The Corporate Media: Bernie Sanders Is Very Much Alive

Following Super Tuesday, the corporate media machine has been working overtime to hijack the Democratic Primary narrative.

The race is over, they say. Hillary Clinton has the nomination wrapped up. Bernie Sanders is done. The Revolution is dead. It's time for him to drop out and fall in line behind Hillary.

To make their case, they use bogus math. On CNN, MSNBC and Google, they bombard us with lopsided charts and graphs that say Hillary is dominating the race. They claim that she leads by an insurmountable margin of 1,052 to 427.

These numbers are incredibly misleading because they include both regular delegates and super delegates.

CNN, MSNBC, Google & countless others fail to mention one very important fact: super delegates do not matter one bit at this point. They do not vote until the Convention in July. They are free to change their vote based upon how the race unfolds. For example, Hillary also had a big super delegate lead in 2008, but a vast majority of them ended up switching their vote to Barack Obama when it became clear he was the better candidate.

It's also important to remember that super delegates are not chosen by the people, only the regular delegates are. Super delegates are Establishment insiders. Many of them are lobbyists and donors. They are the powerful party elites and they're rigging the game to make sure Hillary get elected.

Simply put, the corporate media is using these crooked numbers to brainwash the American people into thinking the race is over. They want to demoralize and silence the Political Revolution by making it seem like Hillary is a shoo-in. Stop organizing. Stop going to rallies. You lost. It's over. Time to put away childish things and come support Hillary.

Why is the corporate media pushing this narrative? Because it's in their best interest that Hillary wins. She represents the establishment. She defends the status quo, which keeps them in power and makes them billions of dollars every single year.

As Lee Fang of The Intercept reported recently, many TV pundits you see on cable news are tied to the Hilary campaign, yet the networks never disclose this to the viewers. They trot them out as "independent" or "neutral" analysts, then they proceed to bash Bernie and sing Hillary's praises.

And it's not just the on-air pundits who are in the bag for Hillary. As Fang pointed out on Twitter, many TV executives have contributed maximum donations to her campaign.

The truth is that, in terms of pledged delegates, the race is very close. The score is not 1052-427.

It's 596-407.

Only 15 states have voted. 35 more remain and many of them are very favorable to Bernie, including Michigan, Ohio, Maine, West Virginia, Alaska, Wisconsin, Illinois, Oregon and California, the grandaddy of them all with over 400 delegates up for grabs.

On Super Tuesday, Hillary won in Southern states that will vote overwhelmingly Republican in the general election. Meanwhile, Bernie won by 20 points in a crucially important swing state (Colorado), and also scored big wins in Minnesota and Oklahoma, a landslide victory in Vermont and a virtual tie in Massachusetts, a Democratic establishment stronghold.

Bernie raised over $40 million in the month of February, so money is not an issue. We have plenty of cash to compete until the end. Time is on our side as well. Bernie's message resonates once people get a chance to meet him and hear him speak. In some places in America he is still relatively unknown. The more he campaigns, the more recruits the Revolution receives.

We cannot let the corporate media manipulate us. We cannot let it get us down. We must stay positive, stay the course, continue to organize, phone-bank and canvass.

If Bernie had lost Colorado or Minnesota, the Revolution may have ended Tuesday night.

But it didn't.

We're still in the game. And we're growing stronger each day.

We're taking it all the way to the Convention.


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