Saturday, November 15, 2014

Barack Obama Is Finally Acting Like The Liberal President Progressives Always Wanted Him To Be

When Barack Obama took office, he wasn't just expected to clean up Bush's mess, he was expected to be a transformational president. He was expected to change the entire trajectory of America by placing us on a fundamentally different path.

And in many ways he has. He brought us back from the worst financial collapse since the Great Depression. He killed Bin Laden. The Stock Market is at historic highs. Unemployment is down to 5.8%. We've seen 56 consecutive months of job growth, the longest streak of gains since 1939.

And biggest of all, he got the Affordable Care Act passed and implemented, which, despite its flaws and hiccups, will end up being one of the greatest Liberal victories in the history of America, right up there with FDR passing Social Security in 1935.

But despite many substantial victories, Obama's tenure thus far has been marred by what ifs and missed opportunities. Time and time again, he abandoned Liberal principles and caved to Republican demands, inflaming his base in the name of trying to reach common ground.

In 2009 he bowed to Wall Street and let the banksters who crashed our economy off the hook scot-free. In 2010 he signed the Bush tax cuts into law, cementing an already tilted playing field even further toward the rich and against those struggling to get by. In 2013 he put cuts to Social Security known as chained CPI on the table in the hopes of reaching a Grand Bargain.

In recent years, he's wasted time waiting for Republicans to come around and pass common sense gun control, Immigration Reform, a minimum wage increase or a jobs bill, all to no avail.

Following the Midterm Elections, the conventional wisdom was that the new sweeping Republican majority would turn Obama into a lame duck, forcing him to abandon his agenda and work across the aisle.

But instead the exact opposite has happened.

Obama has become emboldened in a way we've never seen before.

He's abandoned the moderate, middle of the road bipartisan rhetoric and embraced his inner FDR.

Six years after being elected, he is finally acting like the liberal president progressives always wanted him to be.


Obama's recent transformation from a centrist Democrat to an unapologetic Liberal can be seen on several fronts.

The first is taking major action on Climate Change by reaching a historic agreement with China to limit carbon emissions. While many critics have trashed the deal as not doing enough to prevent environmental doomsday, the truth is that it's the first ever agreement between the worlds' two biggest polluters to reform their ways. It's not just talk anymore. It's real.

It's also a major victory for the environmental movement because it will cause a trickle down effect. For years, countries all across the globe have refused to take action on Climate Change because, if the world's two biggest superpowers refuse to lift a finger, why should they?

That excuse for inaction is now gone.

Similarly, Republicans best excuse for doing nothing has gone up in smoke as well. With China signing on to take major action, the GOP can no longer call Climate Change a liberal hoax: it's now an internationally recognized reality. Republicans have also claimed that, even if the US were to cut carbon emissions, it wouldn't make a difference because China would continue to pollute. That excuse is gone as well.

But Obama isn't just stopping there. He's also pledged $3 Billion to the global climate fund to help developing countries address Climate Change.

At home, Obama is putting his money where his mouth is by hinting that he will veto the Keystone XL pipeline.

"Understand what the project is," he said recently at a press conference in Burma. "It is providing the ability of Canada to pump their oil, send it through our land, down to the Gulf, where it will be sold everywhere else."

Obama also rejected the idea that Keystone will be a boon for jobs or lower gas prices, which are already sinking lower each day.

"He's picked his side on this and he's sided with the environmentalists," said Republican Senator Mike Johanns of Nebraska.


In addition to taking bold action on Climate Change, Obama has also come out swinging on two other Liberal fronts: Immigration Reform and Net Neutrality.

After years of inaction on Immigration, Obama is set to take executive action by allowing up to five million undocumented immigrants to stay in the country.

Republicans have decried the move for months, saying that any executive "amnesty" would be grounds for a lawsuit or even impeachment. House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) vowed that any such order would "poison the well." But the truth is that the well was poisoned a long time ago.

It was poisoned on Inauguration Day in 2009 when GOP politicians met in secret to plan Obama's demise. It was poisoned when they demanded his birth certificate and shouted "you lie" during his State of the Union address.

As a result, Obama now has nothing to lose. He only stands to gain a major victory by doing the right thing for Latinos, his legacy and the Democrat party.

While the fight for Net Neutrality may not garner the same headlines as the US-China Climate Deal, the debate over Keystone XL or executive action on Immigration, it is an important reminder of how Obama is fighting tooth and nail for Liberal principles.

Major corporations like Comcast and Time Warner want to monetize the internet and split it down the middle, keeping a special fast lane for the rich and wealthy and making everyone else languish in the slow, dial-up lane.

Obama is defending the Liberal principles of freedom and equality by fighting against the corporate push to privatize the internet. He has been outspoken in his defense of Net Neutrality and the need to keep the internet open and free for all, not just for the rich who can afford it.


In many ways, the Democrats' crushing defeat in the 2014 Midterm Elections was the best thing that could have happened to Obama.

It liberated him. It freed him from the shackles of appeasement and moderation.

No longer does he have to worry about watering down his views in order to win an election. No longer does he have to meet Republicans half way in Congress. No longer is he forced to censor his positions for fear that he might upset fellow Democrats.

With two years left in office, the only people Obama has to answer to anymore are the millions of Americans who support him, his Liberal base; the people who still believe in hope and change, the people who elected him, twice.

And that is exactly what he's doing.

By taking bold action to address Climate Change, fix our broken immigration system and fight for a free and open internet, Obama is embracing his inner FDR.

After six years in office, he is finally acting like the liberal president progressives always wanted him to be.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Cheer Up, Democrats. We May Have Lost The Midterm Battle, But We're Poised To Win The 2016 War

Tuesday night was a disaster for Democrats.

In the Senate, Republicans won back a net gain of seven seats to reclaim the majority. However, with Alaska still undecided and Louisiana set for a run-off, that number could climb to nine.

In the House, Republicans didn't just retain control of their majority, they strengthened it. As it stands now, they control more than 250 seats, their largest majority since 1928.

For Democrats, it's hard not to be equal parts shellshocked and depressed. 

Just like that, the Obama Era is over.

Sure, the President still has two years left, but let's be honest: Obama is a lame duck. He won't be able to get anything done with an all-Republican Congress. He won't be signing any bills into law. He will only be vetoing them.

But despite the death of Hope and Change, there are still plenty of reasons to be optimistic.

Democrats may have lost the Midterm battle, but they are poised to win the 2016 war.


While the media focuses almost exclusively on the fact that Democrats got crushed in the Midterms, they ignore the fact that Liberal policies actually did very well on Tuesday.

In all five states where a minimum wage increase was on the ballot, all five states voted yes. And these weren't all deep blue states- they were red states like Alaska, Arkansas, Nebraska and South Dakota. 

So while Obama's push to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 gets stonewalled by Republicans in Congress, the idea continues to be wildly popular at the state level.

Another Liberal policy that won big on Tuesday was the legalization of marijuana. Alaska, Oregon and Washington DC voted overwhelmingly to legalize the drug, joining Colorado and Washington. 

In an awkward paradox, voters said yes to Liberal policies like raising the minimum wage and legalizing marijuana, but also said yes to a Republican candidate, the vast majority of whom are against both. 


Democrats got crushed for a variety of reasons on Tuesday. 

Obama's poor approval rating dragged down the party as a whole. Fear of ISIS and Ebola strengthened the Conservative position as well. Also, the Democrats were fighting against two historical norms that greatly favored Republicans.

The first was that Midterm Elections almost always go against the party in the White House, especially Presidents who are entering their final two years in office.

The second factor operating against Democrats was simple: their voters don't turn out for off-year elections.

Nowhere was this harsh reality more pronounced than among young people.

According to an NBC News exit poll, voters under 30 accounted for just 12% of the Midterm electorate. In comparison, young people made up 19% of the electorate in the 2012 Presidential Election.

Meanwhile, people over 60 voted in droves on Tuesday, making up 37% of the Midterm Electorate. 

So while older people came out in full force (mostly for Republicans), young people abandoned Democrats and stayed home, ensuring their defeat.


Democrats may have lost the Midterm battle, but they are poised to win the 2016 war. 

Democrats are winning on the ideas. Liberal policies like raising the minimum wage and legalizing marijuana are wildly popular. The same can be said for marriage equality and equal pay for women.

What Republican policies are winning at that level nationally? I'm hard pressed to think of one.

Democrats are also looking at a bright future in 2016 because many of the debilitating factors that sunk the party in 2014 will be gone. 

First off, Republicans won't have the President to kick around anymore. They will have to actually articulate a vision for the country, not just run blindly against Obama.

In addition, the political landscape favors Democrats as well. Republicans will be forced to defend 24 Senate seats in 2016. Conversely, Democrats will only have to defend 10. 

The elephant in the room, of course, is that Democrats also have a game-changing ace up their sleeve in 2016: Hillary Clinton.

She may be a war hawk and Wall Street defender, but Hillary represents a once in a generation opportunity for the Democrats to keep the White House and win back the Senate.

She is both qualified and popular. And she would certainly energize the base to turn out at the polls. The movement to elect the first female President would be an unstoppable force.

So fear not, Democrats. We took one on the chin Tuesday, but there are bright skies ahead. 

We are winning on the ideas. And we have an ace in the bullpen. 

Now, if we can just survive two years of Republican control...